About Me

I am a Lecturer in Applied and Inter-Disciplinary Ethics at the IDEA Centre in the University of Leeds with research interests in the philosophy of romantic life, ethics, and philosophy of emotion.

With Natasha McKeever, I run the Centre for Love, Sex, and Relationships. You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram. We also run the Ethical Dating Online research network.

Previously, I worked at the University of Birmingham and the University of Oxford.


My current research explores different facets of intimate life. I have published articles about nonmonogamy, compersion, jealousy, and asexuality, and also a short trade book called Does Monogamy Work?.

My new book, Romantic Agency, will be published in May 2024 by Polity.

I have also published on envy, blame, social role ethics, striking healthcareworkers, value pluralism, ideals of the integrated self, and the Buddhist doctrine of emptiness.

Other Writing

I have written a couple of popular philosophy pieces for Aeon, for The Conversation, have written on issues in higher education for the Independent and the Times Higher Education, and have reviewed books for a variety of publications including the Times Literary Supplement